Happy 77th birthday to Sensei Yaguchi! The 77th birthday is highly significant in the Japanese culture. This is the "joyous year," or ga no iwai. The Japanese characters mean "Joy" and "Long life."
Interestingly, Sensei Yaguchi has seen many of his peers and seniors pass on, and yet he maintains an incredible joy and child-like pleasure in all of life. He told me that he believes that a food that most people consider unhealthy (he told me this when I chided him for dumping several spoonfuls of sugar into his coffee), can actually be healthy. He said that the pleasure he gets from the food when he fully enjoys it causes a beneficial response, and is actually good for him. I have to paraphrase because there is no way to replicate his way of speaking, but that's what he meant.
I wasn't able to attend the ISKF National Tournament on the east coast this year, but at the Sunday night banquet (this evening) they presented a slide show with many, many photos from the past. Some of the photos on the presentation are also in the book.